Pet Society!
I'm so addicted sa Playfish's Pet Society. I can't help myself but to play from the time I sit infront of the computer until I go to bed. I can't even study just to get in the game. I will buy moreeee items and gift it to my own account. I remember the first time play, I was a poor little brown-dog-nosed but look at me now, I am a mulit-millionare. Sana sa totoong buhay ganun din! Hahaha! Here, I provided some pictures of the truck truck gifts from friends! Hihi.

See how filthy and rich I am sa Petsoc! Hahaha!

Finally! Our duty sa Home care (psychiatry) is over. Actually it is the most tiring ever duty we/I had. It's like your doing community presentation everyday! Imagine? Now, I am looking forward sa next rotation. How I wish na marotate kami sa Delivery Room ng mapuno ko ang mga cases ko!




Hahaha! A nice way to start the day of is to meet Patty at Starbucks Trinoma. Well actually it's not about Patty! Its about my seller. I bought E71! Yey! The item is in very good condition and comes in a complete package. It's like I bought a BRANDNEW E71 from a very affordable price.

Patty left early because she has "class pa daw" which is hard for me to believe (peace hahaha). On the other hand, my friends mj, stars and joey are there also. Stars and Joey meet me at starbucks and ask me if I can join them in Redbox. No more second thoughts, I answered YES! Hahahaha!

We went straight off the redbox and meet jersy (friend of friends) together with the other friends (so you can count how friends did arrive?) hahahaha!

Then took pictures using my E71. The camera is kinda poor but no care. I love my E71 and my friends. Hahaha!

Jeszie. Love love hahaha! Sorry dear!

Btw, FEU (59) lose versus Ateneo (63). How sad!

For more pictures, just visit my multiply and add me. Thank You!!

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I Am Humanities? Haha
Nagpunta ako ng school kanina to do our Nursing Research (thesis). Also to take pictures of all the ARTWORKS in the FEU. It was so exciting for us nurses to shift work for this day, Haha! Here are some of the shots we took. (im not the photographer, it was christian)..

Me, having speech upstage? Hehe

L-R: Me, Tagz, Christian


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Mabuhay! Kakauwi ko lang from duty sa Mandaluyong. Sobrang nakakapagod dahil ang shift namin ay from 6am to 4pm. And I usually wake up around 3am to catch with my other group so we can go together. Napakasakit sa mata (O-O) kapag gumigising ng ganun kaaga. Natutulog ako around 12am na. Imagine how would I spend my energy with my 3hours of sleep and go to duty and face the client with a smile? It's a matter of managing my energy, ha! ha! (sarcasm).

Btw, nakuha ko na yung bayad ng client ko for making her site pleasing sa multiply. I have a business kasi sa multiply. I make themes for multiply and fix the entire site in a pleasurable viewing experience for their customers. You can visit my online shop @ Hope to do business with you guys soon.

I already fixed the problem regarding my sidebar alignment. If you have comments, suggestions, regarding the site, kindly report it to me immediately. Thank You!

I just added some links. They are:
» Keiyt
» Posh Queens
» Honeul
» Simply Precious

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Got my own HTML Layout?
I finally created my own table layout. As you can see, it is very simple, dark layout. Well basically I love dark colors and I was inspired by this. Actually I'm not yet done here. The sidebar is not yet fix aligned since I am just starting to learn table. I can personally say that DIV layout is my master, but then again I want to upgrade.

It's very difficult to start all over again. I have nothing but my knowledge on basic HTML. So I am begging you to please bare with my skills,
haha. I will add more content when I get back. I have duty tomorrow at 6am and will wake up around 3am. I need to go to have a good sleep beyond. Haha!

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